Conscious sedation dentistry
DENTAL CLINIC CHENNAI How can a person be conscious and at the same time sedated? When one hears this term all of us would be a person could be conscious at the same time sedated. This can happen or would have happened for every person at some time or the other. For example when you are in a midst of a boring lecture in a hall or a classroom you are physically present in that place but mentally absent from that place,but when you are disturbed or asked a question you will respond but will not know what the teacher or the spokesperson has spoken about. May be you will remember some information but not the entire sequence. This is what will exactly happen in conscious sedation dentistry. How is conscious sedation administered? It can be administered in various routes such as oral route,intravenous route,inhalational,and intranasal(etc)but the most common and reliable routes of administration pertaining to dentistry and pediatric dentistry are inhalational(nit...